


新年伊始,奋战在屠鸭一线的同学们是否已经和雅思成功分手了呢?木有分手成功的烤鸭又是因为什么原因?今天小编来给你盘点下,在口语part 1 & 2 & 3 中阻碍烤鸭前进脚步的原因到底有哪些,大家看看自己有木有膝盖中箭吧~
Part 1主要问题

① 回答过于简单,没有拓展

话说这个问题,很多低分烤鸭或者万年5.5党都会遇到,回答过于简单,没有内容可说。其实part 1部分除了回答问题之外,还要稍微带一下和答案相关的一些内容,比如这道题目:

题目:Which city do you live in now?

考生1回答: I live in Beijing. 亲短短的四个单词你想让考官如何考察你的语言表达能力呀?!

考生2回答:I live in Beijing, which is the capital of China. 北京是中国首都估计外星人都知道吧,虽然用了从句,但是属于无意义扩展。


范例1:I live in BJ. I am actually a local here. I was born and brought up here.

范例2:I live in BJ. I moved here with my parents in 2000, when my dad was relocated from my hometown. We’ve been living here ever since.


② 答案不对题,过于婉转


题目:Where is your hometown?

考生回答: I have been living in Shanghai for more than 20 years, I really adore that city, especially the cultural aspects.

内容有了,词汇语法也有了~ BUT!住在上海20年,并不代表上海就是你的hometown吧!这种题目,烤鸭要懂得抓住问题中的关键词汇,这道题,最关键的就是hometown了!烤鸭可以参考以下范例,直接回答就好了:

My hometown is Zhongshan city, which is a mid-scaled city in Guangdong province. It’s about two hours’ drive from where we are now.

③ 说空话

直接上题:Do you like travelling?

考生回答:Yes, I do, because travelling broadens my horizon and enriches my outlook.


考官A:This is such a cliché! I’ve heard it a million times today.

考官B:Come on, what does it say about YOU?

考官C:This guy must have memorised the phrases from some books, and all he can deliver is a memorised speech.



Yes, I do. I am crazy about travelling. This is because I am a real foodie, travelling means I’ll be able to try out all sorts of local cuisines and delicacies. Just thinking about them makes my mouth water.


Part 2 主要问题

① 时间分配不均,重点不明

话说part 2卡片题的cue card中的四个问题要用2 mins来回答,很多烤鸭其实会犯这种错误:懂的多说,不懂的少说! (花1分半说电影情节,最后总结一句I like it very much的人绝对不在少数。)NO!这种想法完全是错误的!part 2部分,前三个小问的背景信息是可以相对简单回答的,甚至每个问题用一些衔接词连接,三两句话带过都是OK的!把重点放在第四问来回答,体现结构和逻辑思维能力,酱紫才是高分的回答!比如说:

Describe a small successful company.

You should say:

what company it is;

who it does;

how you got to know about this company;

and explain why you think this company is successful.

在这个问题中,前面三个小问烤鸭都可以迅速带过,It’s a foreign trade company, which helps foreign companies choose and purchase products in China. I know it cuz it’s owned by a dear friend of my father’s and I visited it just a few months ago. 第四问的话,烤鸭要着重来进行回答,比如这一题,烤鸭就可以聊一下员工方面啊,收益方面啊,还有业内影响啊等等。

② 练习时过于依赖范例,not original at all!

很多烤鸭都会遇到这种问题,练习的时候看到题目没话说,看完了答题范例之后脑袋也是空空如也。备考只知道背诵范例,考场上背诵的迹象明显~,导致低分。在part 2中,答题思路为:观点+拓展内容+例子。前三问直接回答,小编就不多说了。回答第四问的时候掌握这三个steps就能够搞定part 2的题目了~ 还是small successful company 这道题,第四问的回答方式就可以为:

观点:I think the key factor in its success is Uncle Lee’s outstanding leadership.

拓展:Bring the talents of the staff into full play, and put the right person in the right position.(leadership展现在哪里)

例子: the purchasing manager knows the local market, and has an eye for good quality stuff; the sales team understands the foreign market, and are proficient in foreign languages.

这样一个观点就解释清楚了。如果还有时间可以再以同样的结构给第二个观点,可以从员工的commitment,所处行业是个niche market等角度分析。

Part 3主要问题

★ 想到啥说啥,逻辑混乱

Part 3提高题部分的题目一般都比较抽象难答,因此很多烤鸭在这部分光是开动大脑搜索答案已经花费很多查克拉了,完全没有剩下的精力去组织答案。在这里,小编给建议大家, 每次答题都强制自己分点来!在平时练习的时候,不管三七二十一,先first of all再说!几点想不到,一个point还是可以的吧?在说这个point的时候,再通过衍伸思考第二个point,这样说到第二点的时候就能不慌不忙了!

比如说: How can small businesses attract customers?

Off the top of my head, price is a key factor. Consumers will always be attracted by lower prices and promotions. And most businesses know this rule, so that’s why many products of the start-up companies are invitingly cheap. And some consumers are only too happy to buy this strategy.


Another one is the quality, I assure you. For any far-sighted entrepreneurs, quality means a lot. It can help win over the customers and ensure the long-term success for the business, so I think, as well as the price, those entrepreneurs should pay attention to the quality.


