



Dear ××:

We know that you are looking forward to receiving your IELTS result from the 12 September test.

We understand that your IELTS result is very important to you and we need to let you know that there may be a delay in receiving your result.

What is causing this delay?
As part of our promise to the organisations that use your IELTS result we randomly analyse groups of test results from time to time. This is a common process for tests that are used for migration and study.

What this means for you?
There is a potential that your result may not be available on 25 September.

What happens next?
Your result is our priority. Normally this analysis means a short delay. We will contact you tomorrow with another update. If you need to get in touch with us
please email info.ielts@idp.com

Kind regards,
Australasia Manager IELTS

今天IDP又发了一封Follow up的邮件:

Dear ××:
Following on from our email to you yesterday we need to let you know that random analysis of IELTS test results from 12 September is ongoing.

We understand that your IELTS result is very important to you and we will be in touch again on Monday 28 September with a further update.

We would like to thank you for your patience; your result is our priority.
Kind regards,
Australasia Manager IELTS

其实这只是一次很普通的Quality Review,也就是我们俗称的例行成绩抽查,涉及整个澳大利亚考区,目的是为了保证雅思评分的准确性以及考试的公正性,是一件很正常的事情,所以大家不必慌张。

这是很多小伙伴都担心的一个问题,在此小编可以很负责任的告诉你,不会的!只要你水平到了,能拿到7的小伙伴绝不会因为Quality Review被判成6.5的,相反的,IDP此举恰恰就是为了确保雅思考官在阅卷时是严格按照评分标准来给分的,从而保证整个雅思评分的公正和统一性,所以水平到了的小伙伴真是没什么好担心的。



