



很多同学在Part 3 部分作答的时候,有木有招架不住考官连番轰炸的感觉?真相是,Part 3 部分其实只要理清了思路,回答起来也不难哟!现在,小编要在这里为大家支支招!在面对考官狂风骤雨般的问题的时候,也可以游刃有余地轻松应对哟~

第一种: 预测未来类话题

Example: Do you think small stores will disappear in the future?


强调主要趋势:It seems quite probable that small stores will disappear in the future.

现在:…in many metropolitan cities in China, many small sores have already vanished in the last decade or so.

原因:I guess cost is a key barrier for them to survive. Given that the increase in rent and financing cost is unstoppable…

将来: … I would image a significant amount of small stores disappearing in the future. (再次强调)

这段回答中,说明了主要的trend,然后告诉考官small stores 消失的原因,在结尾处再次强调观点。通过先说现在,再predict future,告诉考官我对于未来的分析是有理有据的,这样的回答就能听起来逻辑清晰有条理。

第二种: 陈述利弊类话题

Example: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having students wear uniforms?


优点:…they create a sense of identity and belonging, and help maintain equality and discipline.

缺点:…compelling students to wear uniforms can be problematic. For one thing, it takes away their individuality from them.


① One the one hand, … can be very great when you …, on the other hand, it is not very good for…

② Although / however / while / at the same time

③ From another standpoint,…

④ Having said that…

第三种: 描述类话题

Example: What qualities do you think a good journalist should have?


That’s difficult to say, but I guess a good journalist should be respectful. I mean, they are not supposed to get on people’s nerves in order to get their stories covered. For example, in the report of the disappearance of a Malaysia jetliner…


①   That’s a good question. I suppose / guess / presume…

②   A lot of people think the… is getting better but frankly I think…

③   I’m no expert, but I guess…

小编温馨提示,这类的答题方法虽然说实用,但是也不可滥用。毕竟Part 3部分如果考官问的所有题目烤鸭都用这类句纸来回答的话,就会有故意拖延时间的嫌疑。

第四种: 阐述重要性话题

Example:Do you think it is important that we preserve historical buildings?

这一类话题,首先烤鸭们要表明自己的立场!Yes, it is important! 然后抽出句子中提到的重点进行分析why it is important, 以及what is the influence。 关于这道题中的historical buildings,如果存在,会有什么影响;如果消失了,又会有什么影响。

Yes, I think historical buildings are undoubtedly of great importance, because they play a vital role in education. They are a tangible link to our past…Take the historical buildings in BJ for example, they are indispensable in teaching people, especially the younger generation, what the country has experienced and how it is developing.

Besides,historical buildings serve significant purposes in maintaining the characteristics of a city. China has been developing at an enormous speed, and the downside is that every city has become a concrete jungle, and they all look alike. I strongly believe that the characteristics of a city will be ruined if all historical buildings are torn down.

回答中从education 和 city image两方面突显了historical buildings 的重要性,并且还说明了历史建筑毁坏了会对城市形象造成影响。能够说明某事物带来影响的句纸还有很多,比如:

①   This… teaches me the value of…

②  …pose a great threat to…

③  …, which may lead to devastating consequences.



Part 3 部分历来都是考官们的杀手锏,很多烤鸭在这一环节都表示生不如死,处于一种似乎是明白,但是却无从下口的境地。希望小编这篇文章能够让你拨开云雾见青天!答题中的思路其实很好把握,把题目的重点剖析出来,然后针对重点拓展来讲,酱紫想拿高分还不简单?



